Sunday, June 25, 2006


I have always liked the idea of meditation but it just never works for me. So I have given up and find that the following things work for me instead:

Morning Pages
I have been doing these now for about 18 months. These have changed my life and I feel much calmer and focused on a daily basis. This idea came from Julia Cameron and her great book "The Artist's Way". Each morning as soon as you wake up, you write 3 pages of whatever is going through your mind. She suggests a hardback notebook, ideally 11 by 8 and a half and you can write about what you have to do that day or what you are worried about or who is annoying you. Allow yourself about 15 mins to 30 mins every morning.

Walk in Nature
A lovely 30 minutes walk amongst greenery and listening to the birds sing can really calm the mind. Or if you just sit in the garden and look at the sky, this can be very calming.

Computer Meditation Game
Wild Divine have created 2 computer games which measure your heartrate and perspiration by means of sensors that you place on your fingers. You have to work through the game and can only progress if you are calm. The music is amazing and this really calms you down.

An empty pool and doing a rhythmic swimming stroke with proper breathing can be very calming. I find that breast-stroke works great for me but need to be wearing goggles so that I can get the breathing right and keep the technique good.

Meditation CD
I have this great set of 4 CDs with a guided meditation that I put on when my mind is still racing at the time when I want to go to sleep at night. It is called "Meditation: A Book and CD Gift Set: The Four-Step Course To Calmness and Clarity" by Deb and Ed Shapiro. There are 4 types of guided mediation so you can have a choice of which one suits your mood.

I would love to hear what works for you!


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